The Afrimerican Academy is the premiere source of African diaspora cultural education in the USA. Our online offerings are meant to be tools used in accordance with offline events, experienced based and African oral tradition.
We have a FREE online course that educates you on our organization and why we do what we do. Take the mini course!
If you have any questions, kindly send your inquiry to [email protected].
2020 ‘Lives in Me’ winner
Jessica Pomare.
Our latest winner identifies as an Afro-Latina. We are awaiting here test results... stay tuned!
2019 ‘Lives in Me’ winner
Shereen Russell.
A Jamaican-American found out she was from the
Bubi people of Equatorial Guinea,
The Tikar & .Hausa , Fulani people of Cameroon.
She started the journey of a life time to connect culturally to Africa. Thanks for everything & good luck on your journey!
'I have grown so much from learning about my roots in Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. I am a new woman!'
- Shereen Russell
2018 ‘Lives in Me’ winner
Michelle Turner-Young,
She is an African American that found out she is from the Bamileke People of Cameroon.
We want to take this opportunity to thank Michelle for participating and growing our afrimericanone family. We wish you all the best moving forward.
' I have many feelings, spiritual connections and questionable curiosity with so many different African cultures such as Ancient Egypt, Ethiopia &the Caribbean. Dancing for artists from Nigeria Sierra Leone and Congo have raised questions on what, how and why I was taught what I was taught about African culture previously ... This DNA test would answer all of that...
-Michelle Turner - Young